Runahild band

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

Songs from the heart of nature, inspiration from the depth of the soul

I have been working with heathen folk music since 2006 for my project Eliwagar. I have always been inspired by nature and the heathen spirituality which reflects a lot in the lyrics. With the side project "Runahild" I wish to come even closer to a natural soundscape. I came to a point when most of the primal ideas are based on old instruments, instead of guitar, which is bringing an other kind of energy flow. While I was often dreaming myself away with Eliwagar, picturing ancient worlds and lands, my new songs are rooted in the nature spirituality experienced in this life.


Eliwagar - All instruments, Vocals

Runahild - Discography


Seidgaldr (2017)

Nornir (2016)

Høstmånen (2016)

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