AmmA Band

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

AmmA tells stories . Beautiful stories about love, elves, distant travel , abducted women
and gruesome murders. A good story does not always have a happy ending, you know ...

AmmA is a band that has been active since 2009. They play folk unpretentiously with a very
unique fairytale-like style. They alternate old ballads with their own work and perform everything in a
melodic , jazzy manner framed by beautiful vocal harmonies. since their
creation AmmA has earned her spurs in various theaters and many festivals
such Keltfest and Castlefest , sometimes with their original three- piece band but regular
also accompanied by their own string ensemble. They have also performed in many
cafes and on the street at home and abroad .


Sanne van Gend - Vocals, Whistles, Recorders
Emma van Dobben - Piano, Accordion, Lyre
Meidi Goh - Violin, Viola da Gamba
Marlieske Doorn - Violin

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