Ka Gaia An

jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

Over the mountains, across the plains, near the sea was a remarkable people: the Dacians "the most powerful of the Thracians", as Herodotus said. "Ka Gaia An" is a state of mind, a return to traditions, customs, emotions and spiritual life. The band was set up in February 2008 in Bucharest. The musical style approached is a combination of traditional Romanian folklore, with influences from different styles of rock. "Ka Gaia An" has had a concert activity in Romania and Hungary, whether it is a club or a festival, winning the 1st prize at the OST Mountains Fest 2011 preselection.

The first discography, the EP "Play Dacians", benefited from the double launch in Bucharest and Budapest in October 2012.

After a break, the band returned to the stage in spring 2016, in November released a new studio material titled "The Dacians"


Ariadna Chitu - vocals
Florin Costachita - vocals
Gabi Andrei - lead guitar / backing vocals
Teddy Bejenaru - rhythm guitar
Tudor Nica - bass
Paula Gherasim - keyboards
Tudor Uscoi - drums

The members of the band have been known for many years, collaborating with other bands like "An Theos" or "Dark Fusion".

Ariadna, the female voice of the band, was co-opted last year, her extraordinary voice and experience being decisive.

Florin, the male voice, is the oldest member of the band, being one of the founding members. Over the years he has put his mark on the vocal part of several Romanian rock bands. He also signs the lyrics and some of the band's music.
Gabi is the solo guitarist of the band. In the past he also featured on the band's bass at a festival. He is responsible for the musical side, making himself "guilty" of improving and maintaining old pieces. The new songs will be his main composer.
Teddy ensures the rhythmic part, the guitar coming as a beneficial addition to the sound of the band.
Tudor Nica, through the bass, leads the low marks on the mioritic realm.
Paula is the feminine presence of the keyboards. With specialized studies, she studied both piano and violin

Tudor is the band's heart, his drums complete the folk-metal ensemble "Ka Gaia An".

Ka Gaia An - Discography

Neamul Dacilor (2016)

Joacă Dacii EP (2012)

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