Mr. Hurley & Die Pulveraffen

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

On the legendary pirate ship Lightning sails under the flag of the legendary Captain Blake a fearless and daring team of adventurous pirates. The most adventurous of course is certainly the gun crew by Mr. Hurley. From their escaping escapades the captain had enough in 2009 for the first time and sent them on land to get away. Since they were accustomed as gunners to make a great deal of noise, they continued this habit on land, and now they land on the platforms and pubs, making their instruments as devastating as we can their guns at sea.


Mr. Hurley (Gesang, Gitarre, Ukulele)

Buckteeth Bannock (Akkordeon, Flöten, Gesang)

Der einäugige Morgan (Cajon, Bodhran, Percussion, Gesang)

Ms. Ivy Cox
(1. Merch Maat, Animation, Krisenmanagement, Achterdeck)

Pegleg Peggy
(Merchandise-Verkauf, Animation, Holzbein)


(Roadie, Tätowierter Bizeps)


Mr. Hurley & Die Pulveraffen - Discography

Tortuga (2017)

Voodoo (2015)

Plankrock (2014)

Grog'n'Roll (2013)

Feier Frei (Split EP) (2013)

Affentheater (2012)

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