Dur Dabla

domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

DUR DABLA is a Brest group from Folk Metal formed in 2007.

The group is composed of Breton musicians who are passionate about metal and traditional music. The main theme of the group is to mix traditional Breton and Celtic music with a Metal sound through original compositions inspired by these two styles of music. The sound of Dur Dabla is metal with flute and accordion, all sprinkled with a very energetic growl! The songs are sometimes in English, sometimes in Breton, and are inspired by the culture and imagination that brings Brittany, from its oldest legends to contemporary gwerzioù.


-Guillaume (Batterie) -Titan (Chant) -Elli (Guitare Rythmique)

-Marco (Guitare Lead & Bodhran)
-Galaad (Accordéon)
-Morwenn (Flûtes)
-Victor (Basse)

Dur Dabla - Discography

Eñvor an Avel (2016)

Spered ar Broioù Kozh (2013)

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