
jueves, 12 de octubre de 2017

Hello friends, I inform you that the tickets for this great festival vikings are already on sale midgardsblot 2018

Are you ready for the next chapter of the Midgardsblot Saga?

Weekend passes and limited number of 3 days festivalpasses in sale now - Early bird festivalpasses SOLD OUT!

3 days festivalpass 1.666,- NOK
Wekkendpass friday+saturday 1.200 NOK
Camping tickets: 250,- / Tent space ticket: 350,-
Camping tickets: 250,- / Tent space ticket: 350,- 

Midgard – In the park of Borre, where the mighty rulers of the Norwegian Vikings lived, feasted, and were laid to rest. We invite you to a viking blot with the worlds leading metal, pagan, dark ambient and folk bands at historic grounds!

Midgardsblot Metal festival is an open air festival is situated near the small town of Horten, in Vestfold Norway from Thursday 16th to Saturday 18th of august 2018.

- Bands (TBA)
- Viking village and market
- Festival camp at the beaches of Borre Park
- Vikingbattles and ancient Norse games
- Museum, Guided tours & exhibitions
- Seminars, workshops and panel debates
- Craftbeers and tastings

18 years ID at the main stage area, Viking Village and at the camping area. 20 year ID in Gildehallen.


Instagram: @midgardsblot

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