
jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

About the mind behind Helisir

Starting out as a story, Helisir was about a Northern Avalon, shrouded in mystery and a combination of the Norwegian words: Helig (Sacred) and Sirkel (Circle). Since I was 14 years old I've always had this "thing" for Norway and after my trip to the Lofoten in May 2014 this "thing" became the most solid foundation for Helisir.
I guess this year was needed for the idea to fully develop itself and I needed more music too! I've spend my time composing and experiencing. Creating by force never did me any good so this time my approach was completely different.

Ever since I was little, I've been involved with music. My dad used to have an organ at home which was later replaced by a Tyros 2, 3, 4 and now the 5. I can't even explain how grateful I am as the Tyros has become my main ingredient for all my compositions. It helped me develop my own style, my own rythms and discover hidden talents at the right time.
I also play whistles and flutes like the Irish Tin and Low Whistle, the Chinese Hulusi and Dizi and the Japanese Shakuhachi as well as Alt Flute and Recorder. I also play Hurdy Gurdy and a bit of harp and violin, but as these require much more lessons, time and money I do not consider them my main instruments like vocals, keys and flutes.

In the past I've performed at several festivals both in the Netherlands and beyond: Elf Fantasy Fair (NL), Castlefest (NL), Fantasiafest (NL), Spaceritter (DE) and 3 Wishes Faery Fest (UK). My plan is not to just perform at festivals, but also smaller venues like weddings, receptions and/or occasions. I also compose on request: lullabies for babies (yet to be born) , toddlers, kids and older. If you have a request or wish me to compose something you can always contact me.

About Helisir

Helisir is an ambient experimental folk project that combines several elements in those musical categories. The overall use of synths, bells and ethereal strings make the entirety of the project sound dreamy and atmospheric, while the sound of flutes can be heard in the distance. A variety of myths, folklore, poetry and stories are combined into packages of songs. A recognizable sound is the wide and varied use of vocals.

Songs are sung in several languages, but mainly English and Norwegian as the themes are inspired by Norwegian legends and fairytales. The symbol vegvisir accompanying and appearing often in artform is at the same time a way to protect this project. All songs are an ode to ancestors, bards, poets and those who can find a peace of heart and mind in the crafts of creation.



Music has always played a huge role in Jacqueline's life. Starting in her first band at the age of 14, choral experience since the age of 7 and succesfully launching her own endeavours publicly twice it remains the red thread that guarantees a well functioning human being. Without singing, the plucking of strings, the pressing of keys or the air flowing through flute playing... Music is heavily intertwined with daily life.

Combine that with the love for games, movies and the music often accompanied and you have a well scrambled mix of intentions, ideas and concepts. Add to that a healthy obsession for the Norse Path and a fascination for the Norwegian, Icelandic, Irish, Scottish and Japanese culture and tada! Destined to end up in the folk scene with a nice twist to it.

After finishing school in 2011 and troubles finding work that fits a wild spirited nature Jacqueline has now consciously chosen the path of the musician. The wish to connect and nurture communities that honor the magic and sourcefulness of our Earth came more into existence with Helisir. Consisting of the two Norse words HELIg + SIRkel a new dream was born in 2012 and the debut album "Ravn" released in May 2015.

But the journey does not end there! A vast revival of the old faithes is at hand, more and more people realize that not only do we live and work on this planet: she is a very living and breathing being providing us with shelter, food and EXISTENCE. Respecting the older traditions who took way more care of our Mother is something that slowly returns in the collective consciousness. Helisir wishes to attribute to that by music that taps directly from the Greater Divine with the main source being the Norse Gods and Goddesses, deities, myths and lores both known and from the Dream Realm.

With the succesful crowdfunding campaign "Fólkvangr" our ships have set sail for new directions. Freyja the Goddess of love, war, mysticism and all aspects of powerful female life and death energy will be the main subject of the new album which is currently being recorded. Jacqueline is also part of LEAF which also focusses on the Nordic side of the folk music scene. There will sometimes be mixed acoustic shows with both Helisir and LEAF playing for you. Check out the Agenda to see if we play anywhere near you.

Helisir – Discography

Aero Fragment – Aerowyre (2010)

Ravn (2015)

Folkvangr (???)

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