jueves, 7 de julio de 2016

ISON was formed in 2015 during a cold winter night in the outskirts
of Gothenburg, Sweden.

ISON is a result of the two music likeminded souls of
Daniel Änghede ( Crippled Black Phoenix, Hearts of Black Science ) and
Heike Langhans ( Draconian, LOR3L3I )

Inspired by Drone, Goth & Shoegaze, combined with a deep fascination for the astral planes
and the universe their music is best known as Cosmic Drone. Combining punishing guitars
and eerie vocals with lush, ambient soundscapes.

The music is crafted deep within the halls of an abandoned underground powerplant
station also known as Cavesounds.

With no cellphone reception or windows to tell if it´s day or night, the location
is a perfect host for writing atmospheric music in total isolation to the outside


Daniel Änghede - Vocals, Guitars, Bass, Keys &
Heike Langhans - Vocals, Guitars, Keys

ISON - Cosmic Drone


1. Lost Satellites
2. Atlas
3. RedShift
4. Icosahedron
5. Travellers

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