EMIAN PaganFolk - Khymeia

viernes, 29 de julio de 2016

Khymeia is the ancient word to describe the chemical, the same from which it originates "alchemy." The album follows "AcquaTerra", their first official work, and is infused with melodies from different parts of the world, who meet each other, giving rise to that sacred union longed: Irpinia, Ireland, the Iberian Peninsula, Italy, France , Britain, Egypt, Finland, Campania, Norway, Denmark, Sweden. From South to North, from the hot lands of the Mediterranean to the cold lands of the north, by the musical accents of the Latin languages in the most marked and determined the Saxons.

It is Folk, made with tools of all kinds: harp, bouzouki, percussion, violin, flutes. Seventeen songs, half new and half traditional, in one world, with echoes of legends, dances, songs of mysterious and pagan places that kids will bring on many stages in Italy and Europe.

The album will be available on all digital stores from July 22 and physically distributed by Family Affair as early as 15th of the month.

EMIAN PaganFolk - Khymeia


1.Tribus Hirpeis
3.La Giga del Lupo
5.La Cama Nupcial
6.El Viaje de Maria
7.Níl Sé'N Lá
8.La Gavotte
9.Karnak A.D.
12.Chêne Blanc
13.Kuulin Äänen
14.Auciello Grifone
15.Le Due Sorelle
16.Owen's Boat

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