jueves, 28 de julio de 2016

At friday the 19th of august 2016 we will release our new CD "MIDGARD".
"MIDGARD" will be a musical journey into the north. Into the myths and the world of the vikings and the northern celts. We will sing about Alswinn, the sky horse, about nights in enchanted birch forests, about sun celebrations, ravens, foxes and about Odin himself. With the help of great guest musicians and an elaborate illustrated booklett MIDGARD will be released in two editions:
MIDGARD - Standard edition (in a jewel case, with 11songs & 24 pages booklet)
MIDGARD - limited deluxe edition (in a digipack with 15 songs & 28 pages booklett).

We could not be more proud about a CD. MIDGARD became a very magical & archaic journey into the north.
Very soon we will release the first snippets. You can already preorder MIDGARD here:
We hope, that you like the cover already?
Looking forward, yours FAUN.

Here is another snippet of a song of our upcoming CD "MIDGARD". It was a great honour for us, to work here together with Wardruna from Norway. Like only a very few other bands Wardruna spezialised in the Viking tradition and the meaning of the runes. Many of you might now them as the co-composer of the soundtrack for the TV series "Vikings". In our song we are telling the story how Odin was hanging nine days at Ygggdrasil to receive the runes. Later in the song Wardruna sing one of the most central parts of the Edda, where Odin speaks directly to the reader about the right usage of the runemagic.

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