La Maisnie Hellequin

viernes, 8 de julio de 2016

“La Maisnie Hellequin” in medieval and traditional legends refers to a band of little spirits, led by Hellequin, making terrible noise at night…

The musicians of La Maisnie Hellequin play around this theme, making musical parades, to create a special atmosphere by the strange sounds of hurdy gurdy, bruegelian bagpipe, nyckelharpa and medieval drums, inspirated by the legendary world.


Sabrina Gelin: hurdy-gurdy.
Nicolas Baran: bagpipe.
Geoffroy: bagpipe.
Mathieu Lacrosse: nyckelharpa/drums.

Text in Old French (13th century) about La Maisnie Hellequin:

" Lor langue est plaine de venin
par aus sont perdu heritage
et desfait maint bon mariage
et mal fait por 1 pot de vin,
c'est la Maisnie Hellequin,
ils s'entrepoilent com mastins."

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