Acus Vacuum

domingo, 10 de julio de 2016

it long ago, was a forgotten era of all, a vile god, arrogant and drunk with power removed all entertainment to men. He broke through the drums, flutes broke and cut the cords of guiternes.
A gloomy silence fell on the ground, with his sad lot.
Satisfied with his cruel victory, it went to sleep.
A hermit visiting the nearest town, saw with grief the reigning chaos. He threw a challenge to the evil god that if he managed to make it sound a piece of wood and goat skin, it should repair any misdeeds. By cons, if he failed, it should serve this unjust god for all eternity. The god accepted biensur laughing, and the hermit disappeared during long days.
It's a beautiful spring morning, the dawn, the inhabitants of the town were awakened, even before the cock crow, with a thunderous melody, as strong a hundred horses neighing.
Red with anger, hate god fell out of bed and ran to know the origin of all the noise.
He saw the hermit, holding under his arm goat skin, filled with air which came out three pieces of wood, on which he put his fingers to change the sound.
All the villagers out of their homes and came dancing around the hermit and the god. The latter cursed and glaring at the crowd of people present, he disappeared forever.

Since that glorious day, men play this instrument to keep away the gloom, but above all to prevent this evil god of sleep.
Born in 2013 from the common passion of 4 musicians for the pagan-folk and the medieval fantasy world, Acus Vacuum will lead you into the mysterious world of the lost rites and rituals of the legendary people of Arduina! Powerful bagpipes with catchy melodies accompanied by drums vibrating the heart of the earth invite the body and mind of men at the party! Their dancer highlights their music with rites of their forgotten culture in a mixture of shamanism and tribal. Their pagan-folk / neo-medieval style, surely make you tap your feet, clap your hands and raise your glasses! Let yourself be carried away by their music!

Acus Vacuum - "Tempus consumens" EP


1.Rota Infernalis

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