
domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2018

Igric is a one man band from Slovakia, the founder of the band calls himself igric, which means minstrel, historically the word was used in the great moravian empire to represent an ancient slovak musician. The band was founded in 2002 and ended in 2012, releasing only instrumental songs.
Igric plays a great ambient black metal with  lot of influences from the slavonic paganism. In my opinion this is one of the best bands in the scene, but sadly not recognized, Igric was never famous in the ambient black metal scene, and a lot of fans of the genre never even heard of him.
Needless to say that I highly recommend this band for everyone, even if you are not a fan of the genre, this band will surprise you.



IGRIC - Discography

Igric (single 2017)

Elegies of Endless Horizons (Split 2010)

Distant Ages (2016)

Nárek Dávnych Hviezd (2007)

Tajomstvá Severných Hôr (2007)

Volanie Mesiaca (Single2007)

Pri zrode Daždoga (2007)

Kult Svantovíta (2006)

Krvi Čin (2004)

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