Legacy Of Silence

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

the band was born in the summer of 2014, from a union of ideas among the three founders: Marco Salusso, Simone Macchia and Gianluca Mondo.
The goal is immediately clear: to unite the strong love for fairy tales and for the singer's land with the guitarists' will to create a new, melodic and technical genre, extremeized by the powerful rhythmic deathcore of the drummer Alessandro Torchio.
The first training in May 2015 releases the two single While Obscurity Fills my Eyes and Return to the Forest, in which he decides to experiment with the use of the hurdy-gurdy.
A few months after the release of the pieces, Carola Del Pizzo, keyboard player, leaves the project.
After exactly one year, in May 2016, after several dates in Turin and several misadventures due to continuous changes of members, the band released two new singles: Hopeless Land and Haunt the world.
Shortly after the release of the pieces, due to different visions, the historical drummer Alessandro Torchio and bassist Federico Cimbarle leave the training.
The umpteenth blow to the group, which suffers a setback lasting more than six months.
In the meantime the music composed by the band undergoes strong stylistic contaminations thanks to the entry into the project by Luca Capurso, a transverse flute, which with its technique and compositional know-how gives a whole new dimension to the pieces produced by the group.
In the late winter of 2017 the drummer Alberto Ferreri is introduced into training, as the spring wind pushes the band towards new goals: in seven months the Legacy of Silence record, self-producing totally, the first EP Nightfall.
The band then launches in the preparation of the first album, which will be released in late spring 2018.
The Legacy of Silence continue to compose and play throughout the Piedmont, trying to expand beyond the homeland to bring to the ear of several people their stories, daughters of our woods, daughters of our land, daughters of our most ancient fears .


Alberto Ferreri - Batteria;
Luca Capurso - Flauto;
Gianluca Mondo - Chitarra main e Voce;
Mark Greyowl - Voce Leader;
Simone Macchia - Chitarra Leader;

Legacy Of Silence - Nightfall


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