Celtic Bastard

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Celtic Bastard is the side project of Boisson Divine(France)/Skiltron(Argentina)'s Bagpipe player.

Born of Celtic origins and raised in a Gascon background, @Peregarbagol blends the two culture's traditional instruments, polyphonic siging and Mongolian throat singing techniques.

Starting with an a cappella creation called "Tres Caminaires", which means "three hikers" in Gascon language, he has now released 2 news song, "Pyrène" and recently "Cernunnos" which is about the Celtic God.



Celtic Bastard - Discography

03 Cernunnos - Celtic Bastard (2018)

02 Pyrène - Celtic Bastard (2018)

01 Tres Caminaires - Celtic Bastard (2018)

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