Balrog Band

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

BALROG is a french project inspired by the universe of Tolkien, mixing the Dungeon Synth and Fantasy Ambient with some epic, medieval and folk influences.

t's an artist who began to make known with an album named "Khazad Dum" in 2014, he has subsequently released many demos to evolve in his style, released on various labels like Out of Season, Olog Productions, Depressive Illusions Records, etc.

His second album "The Shadow and the Flame" was released in 2017, an album produced on his label Onodrim Production with the participation of Obscure Dungeon Records in 2018. He also worked with artists same Uruk-Hai in 2015 for the split "The Ashes of Battle" and The Inquisitor in 2018 for the split "Barad - Dûr". He also participated in an interview on the book "Mortiis - Secrets Of My Kingdom: Return To Dimensions Unknown" by Cult Never Dies.


John Gølfimbúk

Balrog - Discography

The Dark Tower (Coming soon to be released in 2019)

Barad-Dûr (2018) Split with The Inquisitor

Night Settles on the Mountains (2018)

The Shadow and the Flame (2017)

Beowulf & Dragon (2016)

A Red Sun Rises (2015)

The Ashes of Battle (2015) Split with Uruk-Hai

Ancalagon the Black (2014)

The Ringwraiths (2014)

Minas Morgul (2014)

Khazad Dum (2014)

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