FeHu PaganFolk

martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

An italian Pagan Folk Band born in the winter of 2015, FeHu mixes pagan/nordic and medieval melodies toghether with more styles.

There was a time when rivers of cement flooded the earth and the lights of the cities prevented the view of the stars
So it was that then five brave guys decided to get together and fight against it
They took a letter of an ancient character and made it their own, without imagining the great power it would give it.
With music that recalled the purity of the ancient, singing songs of great warrior cultures now defunct, fought to sounds of ballads and songs, calling freedom, fighting with vigor against the sick modernity


Jordi Tambara
Mattia Casoni
Davide Festa
Sebastiano Gelmetti

FeHu The Pagan-Folk - speire milis (2018)


2.Sea, whales and vikings
3.Guthanna Na Heireann
4.Speire Milis
5.Yalla Lala
7.Tanssjia Laulu
8.Waves & Drunken Sailor

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