
miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2018

Founded in 1993, Einherjer's albums are heavily folk influenced, while others have a more traditional symphonic black metal sound. Their lyrics retell Norse legends, and each of their albums has its own theme. The band split up in early 2004 after releasing the album Blot in December 2003, but later reformed .

The word Einherjer is the modern Norwegian version of the Old Icelandic Einherjar meaning either"Those who fight alone" or "Those who belong to an army". According to both the Poetic and the Prose Edda, the Einherjar are prominent fighters who, upon their death on the battlefield, are brought to Valhalla by the Valkyries to feast and battle with each other until the coming of the final battle of the gods, Ragnarok.

Historically, the concept of Einherjar is thought to have been linked to Odinic beliefs and cults spawned sometimes during the late Heathen-period.


Frode Glesnes - bass & lead vocals
Aksel Herløe - lead guitars & vocals
Ole Sønstabø - lead guitars
Gerhard Storesund - drums

Einherjer - Discography

Norrøne Spor (2018)

Mine Vapen Mine Ord (single) (2018)

Kill The Flame (single) (2018)

Spre Vingene (single) (2018)

Dragons of the North (2016)

Av Oss, For Oss (2014)

Nord og Ner (single) (2014)

Norron (2012)

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