
martes, 22 de mayo de 2018

Irregang, in places also the Spielleut Irregang, is a native of Thuringia band from the field of medieval music.

The beginnings of the current four-member band date back to 1999, when band members Felix and Lehnchen met for a theatrical performance. Together with the later band member Dr. Met. Falcinellus they positioned themselves in the genre of medieval rock. In their self-perception, the ensemble members see themselves in the development phase of an independent musical style, which, although resorting to medieval melody and text fragments, but with the arrangement and elements of folk and rock closer to today's listening habits.

The debut album "In the intoxication of the pipes" appeared in the year 2005. In July 2010 followed her second album called "Golias", which was chosen in September of the same year to the CD of the month of the medieval music Internet portal In October 2010, the music magazine Sonic Seducer reported on the band and also published a review of the new CD. Furthermore, Irregang are represented both on the medieval-facetted sampler of Zillo 2008 [3] and 2010 and also on the "Cold Hands Seduction" Vol.111 is with "Clauso Chronos" one of their songs.

Irregang also perform live on medieval markets and relevant music festivals both in Germany - such as the Falkensteiner Minneturnier at Burg Falkenstein - and in Denmark or France. In the movie "The Beloved Sisters" (2014), the musicians portrayed contemporary musicians in a dance scene under a lime tree and composed the piece "Studentdreider" for them. With the release of the third album "Faulenzia" in August 2017, Maledict left the band, which has since appeared as a trio. The play "Spielmann" was released in 2018 on the sampler Verbünder V, which was also reported in the magazine Karfunkel in the May 2018 issue.


Felix der Pfeyffer
Dr. Met Falcinellus
Maledict von Wegen
Christoph der Vielsaitige

Irregang - Discography

CD Lied (2018)

Faulenzia (2017)


Golias (2010)

Im Rausch der Pfeyffen (2005)

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