The Peglegs

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2018

A drunken haze that took its form in the early 2017 following an ep named Gallows Play in the may of the same year. The Peglegs have since put out singles, doing gigs and changed form all the time evolving and finding their own way of doing things. Mixing rock, punk, metal and folkmusic in its different forms in addition with the traditional instruments that go with it the band makes sure that theres no boring moment. Currently the band consists of four


Aapo: vox, whistles, violin and Bouzouki.
Riku: drums, perc and vox.
Timo: guitar
Eero: bass.

The Peglegs - Discography

Gallows Play (2017)

Latest releases can be found on bands youtube page as part of exclusive single hulabalooza. Dont also forget to check the first album on spotify!

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