Треустье (Treuesti)

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2018

The seaside neo-folk project Treuesti was founded in 2006 in Ussuriysk. For four years, the project participants attempt to connect Russian folklore motifs and rock directions. The result was the album of 2010 "Through the hole of centuries". The next self-release was "Shirez-vonrez", recorded by the founder of the project in 2013. A year later, in Vladivostok, the project was assembled in a new composition, which recorded "Phoenix" (2015)

At the moment, the goal of the project is to record a new album "Dark Romances" The album is almost ready.


Matvey Mugir

Треустье - Discography

Дымок кадильный (2016)

Феникс (2015)

Ширез-навырез (2013)

Сквозь дыру веков (2010)

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