Tan Elleil

lunes, 1 de enero de 2018

Out of the deep forest, majestic beings come forward to meet men. Playful, seductive, sometimes disturbing, these legendary creatures are the result of the work of the company Tan Elleil, which transmits in our way our ancestral memory "(Keltia Magazine)

It is in the Celtic, Scandinavian and Breton imagination that, since 2008, the Coy Tan Elleil draws its inspiration. Mixing with poetry street arts (music, stilts, dances, fire, puppet ...) and crafts, the Company invites you to discover its unique and intriguing universe.
Always accompanied by a music seeming out of forgotten and forgotten ages, the Compagnie Tan Elleil takes you to the tenuous border between dream, reality and immortal legends.

When dance and music mingle,
Sharing fragments of forgotten dreams,
Wild creatures and dreamlike characters
Show themselves to men.
So wake up the old legends.


Aela Gwenn Folenntez : échasses, danse, marionnette
Sonja Larouge : vielle à roue 
Auriane Machet : harpe, danse
Claire Guihard : danse, marionette
Dona Tien : nyckelharpa
Aina Tuiler : nyckelharpa

Tan Elleil - Flammes Ephémères

1.Nemain - Altaï (pt 2)
2.Inferno (version feu)
3.Ulfedhnar (short)
4.Cernnunos - Nemain reprise

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