Hávamál Band

domingo, 7 de enero de 2018

Hávamál is a metal band founded in 2014 by Niklas Geist as a side project of the (no longer existing) band Dreamworker from Hanau, Germany.
Topically, the band resides mostly within paganism and pagan cultures around the world, lyrical mysticism and history.
Originally thought to be Pagan Folk Metal with Black Metal elements as well, the project now integrates elements of Folklore from all over the world and also slight rythmical aspects of Metalcore, as influenced by our Syrian drummer, into its typically rather long songs. 
After a long period of seeking new band members, the band welcomed their new members, Johnny, the drummer, and Smoji, 2nd Guitar, in addition to Melvyn (Guitar), Niklas (Keyboard), JJ (Vocals/ Folk Instruments).
Since late spring 2016, Bianca has joined the crew, offering her voice as well as playing folk instruments.
Along came another musician who had already been a member at the very beginning of this project, Vincent Lux (Bass), who, in early 2017, has become a full-on band member again.


Vocals/ Folk-instrum.: Jonathan J. Schulz
Vocals/ Folk-instrum.²: Bianca Turner
Keyboard: Niklas Geist
Drums/ Darbuka: Johnny Sarah
Rhythm Guitar: Christian "Smoji" Bartholme
Lead Guitar: Melvyn Haas
Bass/ Vocals: Vincent Lux

Hávamál - Nebelreiter EP Full (2018)

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