Liholesie (Лихолесье)

sábado, 20 de enero de 2018

Liholesie is an old Russian ethno-ambient act, with the first demo released in 2002. From 2004 to 2008 it released four albums and a split with metal bands. The music was changing from epic folk ambience to more ritual atmosphere. Liholesie became one of the most well-known Russian ambient bands.

Then there was a period of silence, which ended only in 2006 with the new album called «The Fog of Transition». It was now music of untouched nature, lucid dreams and shamanic trips inspired by a journey to the Altai Mountains. It was a start of a new chapter in the project's history with new sound and vision. As for now, the project is active, plays live and is working on new material.


Valentin Agapov

Liholesie - Discography 

Boundless Thirst For The Outside (2017)

The Fog of Transition (2016)

Беспредельная жажда иного (2008)

Видения (2007)

Родные просторы (2005)

Извечное коловращение (2004)


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