
domingo, 10 de junio de 2018

Dziwoludy - a group of people connected by musical passion and ... the Middle Ages. They detached their guitars, amplifiers, and multi-effects, and took hold of simple wooden instruments. They wore ragged souvenirs and now they wander from castles and castles to the camp. They play at feasts and tournaments praising the times of ancient Slavs. And to dance they will choose a lively note. It is not easy to encounter such Dziwoludy - you have to go for them to the Middle Ages.

The idea dawned in the head of a certain Szuwar from Wrocław, when around 2014, he wandered around tournaments and rallies with a group of early medieval performers. Several musicians, brave enough to give up their modern habits, answered his call. And so the metal guitarist switched to the 3 string panduri, his bandmate got the saz, the jazz bassist critically looked at the wooden flute, the rock drummer learned that he was to play the baraban, the classical violinist uncertainly took kemenche bow, and the experienced singer was sent back to the first white singing lessons. Oh, it was not easy. Especially, if you mention that in the selection of repertoires they still had to work tediously through historical sources and the depths of the Internet. The whole undertaking rightly deserves the name "Dziwoludy". Now in their Middle Ages, they found their own sound, which they would like to share.


Piotr "Szuwar" Hornowski - instrumenty strunowe, wokal, aranżacje, menagement

Dorota "Mira" Karlińska - wokal, przeszkadzajki
Jacek Gajek - instrumenty basowe
Wojciech Pospolita - instrumenty strunowe
Marcjanna Jelińska - instrumenty smyczkowe
Filip Jarmuszczak - instrumenty dęte
Adam Koniuszewski - instrumenty perkusyjne


We are a group of occasional igri. We have emerged as an offshoot of the LH group of the Veles people, who is engaged in the reconstruction of the old Slavic ceremonies. Since we know from history that part of the ceremonies was always music, we wanted it to sound even on our rituals. Since it is nowhere documented how the music of our ancestors looked, we tried to create it on the basis of Slavic folklore. Gradually, we added folk songs, especially of the Southern and Eastern Slavs.

Ragojka - Discography

Putování po zemích slovanských

Vynášení Morany

Písně Baltoslovanské

Veles rok



jueves, 7 de junio de 2018

Sadko - project is called in honor of the gusla player, the hero to the ancient of Slavic mythology. Sadko is a project by Ruslan Akimov, also a member and founder of black metal band Devilgroth.

Gusli - one of the most ancient musical instruments on the earth is considered that to it more than one and a half thousand years. This tool really great heritage of Old Russian art. Also, it is believed that the Slavic gusli, and Finnish Kantele related instruments.

"Slovo" is a musical interpretation of "Tale of Igor's campaign". It is a unique manuscript of ancient Rus with the great cultural meaning and very important for literature. Each track corresponds to each chapter of the Tale. Album is made mostly using Gusli - ancient Russian musical instrument, which is almost forgotten nowadays. The sound of the album changes and transformes from folk-ambient to music with little parts of pagan metal. It is the only one album of it's kind. 


Ruslan Akimov

Sadko - Slovo (The Tale of Igor's Campaign)

Moonloom Band

MOONLOOM - a young folk group from Moscow, combining in its work as the beauty of medieval ballads, and all the power and epic nature of the Scandinavian tunes, and like the phases of the moon illuminates the ancient pagan cultures of different peoples. The repertoire of the group includes songs in different languages: Russian, Old Norse, Romanian, German, Middle High German, Spanish, Old Icelandic, Lower Saxon, Latin, Finnish, Sephardic, Gallic (dead) and some other languages.


Arina Bormusova

Anna Dagayeva

Osipova Ekaterina


Catherine Deryabina


miércoles, 6 de junio de 2018

Brazilian group of Celtic and Medieval folk music, influenced by traditional Irish music and old European medieval and renaissance music.


Mariana Roque (Vocals)
Rômulo Salobreña (Viola and Violin)
Rafael Salobreña (Bodhran e percussions)
João Gabriel (Flautas, Bandolin, Gaita de Foles)
Gustavo Fofão (violão)

Mad Sneaks

MAD SNEAKS is a Power trio, coming from the interior of Minas Gerais, who play Portuguese music, created in 2009 by Agno (guitar / vocals), Amaury (drums) and Adriano (bass). His first single "Dirty Blood" released on the internet in 2011 drew a lot of attention from the critics. Already in 2012, he released the clip and the single "Rótulo", which is a song that talks about prejudices, and the terrible mania of labeling everything that is seen ahead, making us primates and inconsequents. With this video clip of animation, the band took the big prize in the project Conexão Vivo Movida, being shown in Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Recife, Goiânia and João Pessoa, capitals that the show toured.

Still in 2012, MAD SNEAKS recorded their first album "Incógnita" in just 8 days, in the studio SuperFuzz, a studio with totally rock and roll history in Rio de Janeiro and released all the songs for hearing on the internet, and to end the year showed their official mascot the "MAD".

The artist is in tour of the album INCÓGNITA (2013) by Brazil. The sound of this power trio from Minas Gerais is the result of a fusion of grunge, punk, new metal and influences from the 80s and 90s.


Agno Dissan -Guitarra / Vocal
Amaury Dias - Bateria
Elton Reis - Baixo

Mad Sneaks - Discography

Incógnita (2012)

Sangue sujo (2011)

Kenny's Swiss Side

Kenny's Swiss Side is a project born from the idea and the desire to form a band mixing rock with elements of traditional Irish and Scottish music. To cope with the musicians' desire to share the energy of such musics as soon as possible, the original repertoire was mainly made up of repetitions of legendary Irish punk rock bands, not hesitating to arrange them with Kenny's sauce (awaiting future compositions), taking advantage of traditional instruments such as the violin (Anders), whistles and bagpipes (Matt) mixing with the rock base of the guitar (Alex), bass (Phil) and battery (PF). The accent of the voice of the Anglo Irish singer Tom helps to feel a little more in the mood! So join us on the occasion of an upcoming concert to drink, or dance on rhythms and energetic melodies with us!


Voix - Tom
Flûtes et cornemuse - Matthieu
Basse - Phil
Drums - PF
Guitare - Alex
Violon - Anders

vael folk band

domingo, 3 de junio de 2018

Panfolk music band from Madrid (Spain). We mix numerous styles of the world with our own traditional music.

Until being officially founded in October 2016, the project went through several previous stages looking for concepts and objectives on which to work.

It was not until the first months of 2017 that the band closed its current formation of seven musicians and began to compose seriously his first work, taking good care of the project's official announcement.

September 2017 has been the chosen month to show all the work done since the beginning.


Macarena Pingarrón - Nyckelharpa, voz, pequeña percusión.
Violeta Moreno - Violín, coros.
Daniel Iturriaga - Whistle, low whistle, gaita gallega, cítara, canto gutural, coros.

Guillermo García - Percusión, davul, bodhran, didgeridoo, coros.
Camilo García - Guitarra clásica, coros.
José M. Vicente - Guitarra española, coros.
Teresa Peciña - Zanfona, flauta travesera, whistle, gaita gallega, peq
ueña percusión, voz, coros.

Vael - Mure - Demo 2017

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