vael folk band

domingo, 3 de junio de 2018

Panfolk music band from Madrid (Spain). We mix numerous styles of the world with our own traditional music.

Until being officially founded in October 2016, the project went through several previous stages looking for concepts and objectives on which to work.

It was not until the first months of 2017 that the band closed its current formation of seven musicians and began to compose seriously his first work, taking good care of the project's official announcement.

September 2017 has been the chosen month to show all the work done since the beginning.


Macarena Pingarrón - Nyckelharpa, voz, pequeña percusión.
Violeta Moreno - Violín, coros.
Daniel Iturriaga - Whistle, low whistle, gaita gallega, cítara, canto gutural, coros.

Guillermo García - Percusión, davul, bodhran, didgeridoo, coros.
Camilo García - Guitarra clásica, coros.
José M. Vicente - Guitarra española, coros.
Teresa Peciña - Zanfona, flauta travesera, whistle, gaita gallega, peq
ueña percusión, voz, coros.

Vael - Mure - Demo 2017

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