
domingo, 10 de junio de 2018

Dziwoludy - a group of people connected by musical passion and ... the Middle Ages. They detached their guitars, amplifiers, and multi-effects, and took hold of simple wooden instruments. They wore ragged souvenirs and now they wander from castles and castles to the camp. They play at feasts and tournaments praising the times of ancient Slavs. And to dance they will choose a lively note. It is not easy to encounter such Dziwoludy - you have to go for them to the Middle Ages.

The idea dawned in the head of a certain Szuwar from Wrocław, when around 2014, he wandered around tournaments and rallies with a group of early medieval performers. Several musicians, brave enough to give up their modern habits, answered his call. And so the metal guitarist switched to the 3 string panduri, his bandmate got the saz, the jazz bassist critically looked at the wooden flute, the rock drummer learned that he was to play the baraban, the classical violinist uncertainly took kemenche bow, and the experienced singer was sent back to the first white singing lessons. Oh, it was not easy. Especially, if you mention that in the selection of repertoires they still had to work tediously through historical sources and the depths of the Internet. The whole undertaking rightly deserves the name "Dziwoludy". Now in their Middle Ages, they found their own sound, which they would like to share.


Piotr "Szuwar" Hornowski - instrumenty strunowe, wokal, aranżacje, menagement

Dorota "Mira" Karlińska - wokal, przeszkadzajki
Jacek Gajek - instrumenty basowe
Wojciech Pospolita - instrumenty strunowe
Marcjanna Jelińska - instrumenty smyczkowe
Filip Jarmuszczak - instrumenty dęte
Adam Koniuszewski - instrumenty perkusyjne

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