Studium Instrumentów Etnicznych

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2016

Studium Instrumentów Etnicznych  -( SIE,  The Study Of Ethnic Instruments)  -  is a polish band formed at 4. April 2012, by Piotr “Stiff” Stefański, who is the founder and leader of it. The band consists of a few people in different ages, who creates music, using ethnic instruments from around the world. (Mainly the African drums, which are the hallmark of this group).  Melodies refers to folklore of Świętokrzyskie Mountains, but we can also hear electronic sounds, flute, trumpet and guitar. The music genre is psychofolk. Personal, lyric and unique texts are complementing to this musical works.

The SIE band’s concerts are more like theatrical performances, full of psychedelic trance, energy and sometimes wild and “dark”, but also positive emotions.  You will not be indifferent , listening to this music.  They were performing  for example at the Cross Culture Festival, Folk Off Tour,  twice at famous  Polish  Radio 3rd Channel,  or Fląder Festival.

 The band ‘s first album was published in 2014 and entitled “Tu nie ma miejsca na starch” (Here is no place for  fear). The second album “3.5.7., which goes in alternative music direction will be coming soon.

Tracks, promoting the album “3.5.7.”:

I thank Nina Ewa for the information of the band and for taking the time to translate it into English 

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