Trollfest - HELLUVA

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2017

The true Norwegian Balkan metallers Trollfest publish the new output "Helluva". The seventh album also combines hard metal with folk, humppa, reggae, tango, ska and waltz, and impressively demonstrates that the band also meets the highest musical demands. The singing in his own Trollspråk is as varied as the instrumental madness - a very own story.

HELLUVA out February 24th 2017.

Trollfest - HELLUVA


1.This Is Just The Intro
2.Professor Otto
3.Spelunking Sisters
4.Gigantic Cave
5.Steel Sarah
7.Hen Of Hades
8.Reiten mit ein Fisch
9.Fräulein Helluva
11.La Grande Finale
12.What A Good Idea
13.Don Gnomo Vega (Bonus)
14.Sputnik (Bonus)


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